Monday, November 3, 2008

dylan walks (and does chores)

to contribute to household chores, dylan has taken to light tasks, seen here sweeping. it helps that the boy has been walking since taking his first steps at 8 months, 3 weeks of age! today, dylan is 10 months old and has been walking for well over a month. this video, taken two weeks ago, shows that dylan has absolutely no fashion sense (note one orange sock on left foot). deniro the cat makes a quick cameo too.


typefiend said...

I'm glad you didn't offer a broom amongst his choices, lest Dylan become destined to be one heckuva a talented janitor. Too cute vid!

Dylan Mac n Cheese said...

we have taken to calling him our, ahem, 'custodial engineer'. i went to dragonfly dulou in los feliz yesterday, and i found a toy broom and dustpan. had to buy it, the boy loves to sweep, mop and swiffer!