Thursday, September 30, 2010

Q&A session about dylan: an interview

Q: what's dylan's favorite music to dance to? 
mom: dylan loves pj harvey, van morrison, devo, the ramones. he also likes some jack johnson, but that's because we had the curious george soundtrack on repeat. he'll spontaneously break out singing songs like, 'down by the water' by pj harvey. 'big fish, little fish, swimming in the water, big fish, little fish, give me my daughter,' he sings.  it goes to show that he's been listening all this time and is learning to decipher lyrics. he also loves 'rock the casbah' by the clash and 'rebel yell' by billy idol. apt songs for the tumultuous twos! 

Q: what does dylan like to eat?
mom: lollipops! his tastebuds take after john and myself; he loves rice with furikake sprinkled on it. miso soup with spinach, seaweed. 'mmmm' he says, 'good.' he still loves mac and cheese. he can devour an entire plate of broccoli, strip steak, roast chicken, and any kind of pasta. he also loves kimbap, korean sushi with fish cake. dylan is a processed fish cake product fan: o-deng, tempura, imitation crab, etc. we took him down to the fish market at the pier and he dug the smoked fish and steamed whole crabs. it makes me happy to see him munch away on things like falafel, gyro, kebab, tacos. and just like his daddy, dylan LOVES pizza with any kind of topping. 
Q: what's it like going through the terrible twos?
mom: dylan is two and a half; and parents always either say that this is the worst time or that the worst is going to come. you sort of get tired, instilling discipline (i.e., constant yelling) every five minutes. but this is the time that toddlers are sort of pushing the envelope, in terms of boundaries and what they can get away with. it means that they trust us--they feel secure enough to test the waters, and to see how far they can go, but when it happens (kicking, screaming, defiance, arms crossed the chest, scowling---i can go on and on), it sure ain't fun. you sort of count the many grey hairs on your head and you give it another go. tomorrow is another day and it starts all over again. 

Q: what are dylan's goals and dreams, aspirations? 
mom: dylan announces at dinnertime, daily, this sentence. 'when i get older, i drink coffee and wine. and climb a ladder!'  these are some of the things we promise that we'll allow him to do, 'when he gets older.' he also says he wants to be a chef and a fireman. 

Q: does he have favorite stuffed animals? games?
mom: he has names for his favorite teddy bears and stuffed rabbits, which he takes to bed. one of them is named 'ice cream boba' bear. his favorite pretend play is called 'dylan's restaurant.' he places chairs around the coffee table, seats boba the bear, and then he 'serves' them food and gives them menus and pours water. 

Q: what are his favorite words?
mom: i'm not sure where dylan learned to use the words 'actually' and 'either' but they've become his go-to phrases. he just started preschool and i have a feeling he's emulating the way his teachers speak, and uses these words judiciously:
"i want to climb a ladder, ACTUALLY."
"and dylan didn't poo-poo in the bathtub, EITHER!"

and sometimes he combines them in one sentence:
"i don't want lemonade ACTUALLYEITHER!"

stay tuned for part II of the interview. thanks for visiting!  


Anonymous said...

such a great post! i love his haircut.

we're going through the terrible two's with margot too and it's EXHAUSTING. sometimes i feel like the worst parent because if i'm not yelling, i'm sighing. it takes everything in me to not say, "because i said so".

margot says actually and either too! so strange. but margot's either is eadder.

Dylan Mac n Cheese said...

oh my. jenny, i would've answered earlier---but i was also busy--sighing, ai-goo-ing and yelling.
help me somebody!!!!!

next haircut is going to be a justin bieber wannabe. i wonder if the guy at supercuts can duplicate?

we want to see you guys! let's plan on an outing.