Sunday, February 21, 2010

cooking, reading, eating doughnuts

our routines are fairly simple at home. we read a lot, both together and alone. every morning dylan hits the books: favorite books include dinosaurs ('bones, bones, bones,' he says), curious george, barney, elmo, puppies, ice cream, trains, trucks, and cars. in that order. we're lucky that dylan is an insatiable reader and will read a book 5-6 times in a row until he's satisfied. the best moment of my day is at night--books, books! says dylan, and runs into the bedroom. 

that's when i tiptoe in, and see john and dylan together, under the lamplight--i stare at them: john animating the characters, dylan, mesmerized. i sort of hold my breath, enjoying seeing them during this quiet part of the day. these are the moments that get burnished into my mind, and that make me so happy and content. 

recently, i've started giving dylan small tasks in the kitchen, instead of fending him off when i'm making dinner. dylan is now learning how to make rice (grab the 25 lb bag of rice, drag it out of the cabinet, scoop out a few cups into the pot, being careful not to spill any rice on the floor. next, put step stool next to sink; then wash, wash the rice with our clean hands; then press the button on the rice cooker) with mom's help, of course. 

rice cooker rice is so simple, even a two-year old can do it. 

he even had a chance to take a whack at some pork cutlets with the meat tenderizer. always wash your hands afterwards! 

and when the sun is blazing hot like it was this week, we hit the beach and gaze longingly at faraway lands across the sea, wave at helicopters, look for blimps in the sky, we chase birds and dig endless sandpits. maybe this is why, when i'm putting dylan to bed and singing to him at night, he always smells like the sea. 

weekend comes, and our routine calls for a little sugary goodness. for valentine's, dylan gobbled up a heart shaped doughnut from bob's coffee and donuts at the grove. 

the best doughnuts around! live a little, we like to say around here. 
so even though we've had stormy, rainy weather these past few, we've also had some really nice sunshiney days filled with friends and family. dylan even got to wear uncle john's red sox cap on the double decker trolley at the grove.  
and we are learning, that the best way to eat ice cream is to share your cone with a buddy. yum. thanks for sharing, auntie min! 

we are so grateful to our friends and family! we cherish our friends and want to thank you all for showering us with love, cards, flowers, prayers and support these past few weeks. 

our hearts are filled. 

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