Saturday, January 9, 2010

two years old!

happy second birthday dylan! you've come a long way, babe! here's a quick look back at the last two years in which you've grown so much. rock on!

we welcomed dylan's second birthday weekend here at the beach with the best weather--balmy, warm and super clear.
the littlest traveler takes in a whirlwind trip! right before his birthday, we had to celebrate new years' in san francisco. dylan's a frequent flier, and makes sure that mom and dad gets to the airport on time. dylan proves he's a big boy pictured here in union square. where's the bart station?

first big guitar (having a kid makes us the worst possible tourist types, too--we have to stop and pose in front of tacky tourist spots like the hard rock cafe--this one's at pier 39 in san francisco). this isn't the first time dyl breaks out dancing at the drop of a hat. dancing his 'happy happy' dance.

first big we go, navigating our world, climbing to the top, seeing the sights! at 21 months.
at 16 months. first time i put dylan's long curly hair in ponytails (thanks mom, thanks a lot) but not the first time for odd photo sessions...
dylan's first christmas, 2008! here, at almost a year old.

first time at a photo studio for his 100 day portrait! here with mom.
hey daddy, here i am, so small.
the official 100 day portrait! taken in orange county's koreatown, at a garden grove studio. hopefully the last time we take 'boudoir' style shots. oy vey. but i thought this pic was cute.

who would've thought this little fella would be lugging our bags to the airport? a true world traveler, this one.

we love dylan!!! happy birthday to our little guy.

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