Wednesday, May 6, 2009

the 16 month old: milestones

dylan's hit 16 months! and what has he learned so far?

-- is learning korean (he knows one word well: bang-goo. when asked to 'bang-goo,' he will create a fart noise with his mouth. this makes me a proud, proud mama, yup)
-- can chew, then spit up and spread wet food all around the kitchen (yay for this! we say) 
-- he now brushes his teeth (sort of)
-- climbs on top of the stool in the bathroom and combs and brushes his hair; wants to put on lotion and lipstick; wants to put on sunscreen by himself.
-- knows sophia dog from django dog
-- can sip from a real cup and use real dishes (not just plastic!)
-- called the dog sophia by name the other day ('sophia' he said)
-- uses sign language often ('hot' 'dog' 'ball' 'phone')
-- can put his foot in his mouth if asked (literally and not figuratively)
-- throws a hot tantrum with ease and aplomb (toddlers, what joy!!)
-- is learning about the joys of irish music (seen here in this video hitting the bodhran and singing the 'mama' song)  

just watch and sing along and be irish like dylan: 


typefiend said...

I can't wait to see the not-so-little-anymore dude soon! He's growing like a bang-goo in my gut after too much kimchee :)

Dylan Mac n Cheese said...

he smells just as good, too!